Recruitment of employees from abroad: what kind of traps await the employer?
Hiring a responsible employee with the right qualifications is a big challenge that can quickly turn into a nightmare. And this nightmare is unfortunately a natural consequence of omissions during the recruitment process. In this article you will read about the difficulties that await the employer in the recruitment process and about how to make hiring a new employee much easier.

Working abroad without knowing the local language – is it possible?
For many, working in Poland equals dull job offers, a constant lack of adequate salary and poor prospects for the future. And then here comes the thought of going abroad. Working abroad is a chance to multiply money, and maybe even settling in a new country. But what if you don't speak the language? Is working abroad possible? How to find the job? On your own? Or maybe use the services of an employment agency? This article will dispel your doubts.

How much do the employees in Germany cost their employer?
Among the countries where people go to find a job, Germany is particularly preferred. They decide to go to work abroad, because in West Europe in the period of 3 months they can earn more than the employees in Poland throughout the year. However, traveling on "your own" is not always easy to organise, which is why more and more often when deciding to go to work abroad, employees use the help of employment agencies. This solution is also beneficial for a foreign employer. Why? We will tell you in a second, how much does it cost a German employer to hire an employee from Poland?

Problem with recruiting staff in so called “Employee market”.
In order to avoid problems related to recruitement of an employee, turn to professionals.

Is the work safe in Germany?
Germany is still one of the most attractive destinations of economic emigration for Poles. This is related not only to the amount of earnings in this country, but also with its geographical proximity. Although safe work in Germany is a dream of many Poles, the reality unfortunately looks less optimistic. Going to work in Germany, especially without knowing the language and the laws which prevail there, can be not only difficult, but also very risky. How to not be deceived by a dishonest employer or illegal middleman and how to find a safe job in Germany?

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